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New Testament: Introductions

This guide is a child of the Biblical Studies research guide. It provides more specific items on New Testament studies alone. In this research guide, you will find titles that are useful specifically focused on the New Testament. It includes reference wor

New Testament Research Guide

In this research guide, you will find titles that are specifically focused on the New Testament. It includes reference works and other important books and e-books that the library owns, research databases, links to other subject guides, and links for supplemental information. Be aware that not every resource on this page is Evangelical in perspective. Like any academic research, getting differing perspectives can be helpful and important.

If you are looking for Greek resources, go here.

New Testament Introductions

In this context, the term "introduction" refers to a book that covers basic information about all of the books of the New Testament. This information includes matters of authorship, date of writing, audience, major themes, structure, etc. Like commentaries, New Testament introductions cover the theological/worldview spectrum. The primary focus here is on introductions that take the New Testament seriously as Scripture, though not all works do that.